Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Windmill Island Gardens

We live in a city that was settled by the Dutch hundreds of years ago.  There is a lot of stuff around here that relate to Dutch things, and we spent Saturday afternoon at the Windmill Island Gardens (which, incidentally, was featured in FamilyFun magazine right before we moved here).  It was great.  We didn't stay long, and didn't check out everything, mainly the big 6-story working windmill that's over 200 years old, and the shops and river.  They also have a merry-go-round that is really old, and is now just for kids.  Tooty loved it!!  Here's some pics of her riding the horse.  One of the best things about this place is it's free if you live in the city - all you do is show your local driver's license at the gate and drive on in...saved us about $20, and we are happy to go back anytime!

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