Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Speaking of...

Tooty brought home a note from church on Sunday that said she is giving a talk next week in Primary!  We are trying to help her be excited about it and happy to do it, but in the back of my mind, I see myself giving the talk.  She has absolutely blossomed living here, but is still on-the-verge-of-crying-she's-so-shy about half the time.  So we'll see how it goes. 

We worked out the words today.  She was asked to speak on something related to the month's message of "The Gospel Will Be Spread Throughout All the World" or something really similar.  So I told her that means she can talk about missionaries. 

Here's the talk -

Missionaries share the scriptures.  They tell people about Jesus.  My Uncle Sam is a missionary and I pray for him.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

And we found a picture of some missionaries that we can hold up so people can see (or so she can hide).  Tonight after dinner we will head over to the church to practice in the primary room while the YW have mutual (since the church will be unlocked!). 

Good luck, Tooty!  I know you can do it!


Melissa said...

I hope she does great.
I feel your pain, however, as Masaru is the exact same way.
Good luck.
Let us know how it goes.

Becca Bingham said...

Good thinking heading over there to practice!

Super Angie said...

I remember my first talk. I made my mom give me a piece of paper because I wanted to be like the big kids that read their talks. :)